Friday, 6 February 2015

Mr Zero Fux Given, He Can Get It!

Its been a while since anybody made me feel like Jerry with Tom, you know the cat and mouse games. In most cases, dick is every bitch's weakness but attitude is mine and this fella got me hooked on his. It's so enticing when one meets someone that is a lot like them, you see, I like looking at my own reflection so understand the excitement.

Dear Mr-Zero-Fux-Given

Time and time again, I've convinced myself that I need a break from the thrill of life that i'm addicted to. Did I see this coming? No. But then again, I never do.

So Mr Zero Fux Given, Congratulations, you're my new obsession, if I may call it that.
I cant promise to love you, Lord knows i'm not good at that, but I can guarantee you that I can provide you with that flame you need, though I cant promise you that it wont burn.
I am not sure if I will still feel this way about you tomorrow, cause I've been here before with other "flames" before you. I admit though, that I don't need you to be Mr Right, i'm cool with you being Mr Right Now -for now.

I'm not good at love, but we can pretend that we're the most "in love" creatures for the night.
You've got me wondering, with perverted thoughts, the WHAT IFs and "How big is he" questions.
So for now, let's pretend i'm gonna love you forever like no other.
Let's pretend I've never felt this way about anybody before, and that it's all new to us so I can pretend that it's perfect.

I don't believe in love so let's not exaggerate the infatuation, all i'm trying to say is that, I wanna fuck you with no guilt or shame. I wanna put my thoughts to rest, by exploring that body, so I can tell my self that i'm satisfied cos I crossed that line.

I don't believe in love. 
Those eyes though. 
I could get lost in your eyes and pretend that nothing is wrong with the world. 
And that, nothing is shameful about me feeling this way about you even when I know I shouldn't.
At least, I can be honest about it!!!

Now, Let The Game Begin...